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Institute of Technology (Polytechnic), Kolhapur

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Published Papers

Department Of Mechanical Engineering

S.No. Name of Faculty Paper published/Presented by faculty
1 Mr. Mane M.V. “Review of Different Techniques to Detect and Reduce Knock and Misfire.” In Journal of Advances in Science and Technology ISSN:-2230-9659 Vol.-XIII, Issue –I 2017
2 Mr. Patil A.P “Automatic Air Inflation System for Heavy Load Vehicles.”4th International Conference organized by Shree. Ganesh School of Business Management Salem Tamilnadu 2015.
3 Mr. Patil A.P “Maize oil Blended with Diesel as Ecofriendly Energy source.” 2nd International Conference on Emerging trends In Engineering IOSR Journals Feb.2013
4 Mr. Patil A.P “Study on the Renewable energy sources using Diesel Blended with Maize Oil.” National conference on Emerging trends In Mechanical Engineering March 2011

Publications and patents

Name of faculty Name of journal Topic
Mr. Mane M.V Second International Conference on Ideas, Innovation and Impact in Science & Technology Experimental Investigation of Spark plug voltage on performance of I.C. Engine
Mr.Patil A.P. Second International Conference on Ideas, Innovation and Impact in Science & Technology Experimental Investigation of Spark plug voltage on performance of I.C. Engine
Mr. Jadhav S.S. International Engineering Journal for Research and Development Analysis & Testing of Mono Leaf spring
Mr. Jadhav S.S. PENSEE International Journal Impact Analysis of Tractor Trolley Axle Using L S Dyna

Department Of Civil Engineering

S.No. Name of Faculty Paper published/Presented by faculty
1 Mr.Vasagade R.B. Strength and Behavior of Beam column joint under cyclic loading

Department Of Computer Engineering

S.No. Name of Faculty Paper published/Presented by faculty
1 Mr. Kulkarni H.R. Information and Communication Technology
2 Mr.Mahadik A.B Enhancing Clustering o/p using side information by textual extraction mechanism
3 Mr.Mahadik A.B Implementing proof of  retrivability for multiple replica of Data files using SQL Database

Name of faculty Name of journal Topic
Ms. Mane V.M. International Journal Of Innovative Research In Technology An Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme in Cloud Computing
Ms. Mane V.M. International Research Journal Of Modernization In Engineering Technology And Science “AN INVESTIGATION OF AN EFFICIENT ATTRIBUTE-BASED ENCRYPTION SCHEME IN CLOUD COMPUTING”

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